Klikni na fotografijo za povečavo | Click on the photo to view it in full size

Z leve proti desni | From left to right:

Osnovna kozmetika | Basic cosmetics

Zdravila | Medicine

XL potovalna brisača | XL travel towel

Mreža proti komarjem | Mosquito net

Spalna vreča | Sleeping bag

Prva pomoč | First Aid Kit

iPod, USB stick

Potovalna posoda | Outdoor mealkit

Čevlji za treking | Trekking shoes

Teva sandali | Teva sandals

Japanke | Flip-flops

Torbica za dokumente | Documents bag

Šal | Scarf

Kapa in trak | Hat and headband

Baterija | Flashlight

Švicarski nož | Swiss knife

Vrv | Rope

Nastavek za vtičnico | American plug thing

Mobitel | Cell phone

Vžigalnik | Lighter

Beležka | Moleskine notebook

Plastična vrečka, vrečka za perilo | Plastic bag, laundry bag

Fejk denarnica | Fake wallet

Sončna očala | Sunglasses

Ultrathon epelent za insekte | Ultrathon mosquito repellent

Obleke | Clothes

Fotoaparat | Camera (ni na sliki | not in the pic)

Mali nahrbtnik | Small backpack (ni na sliki | not in the pic)



13 Responses to “stuff”

  1. 1 UvA September 23, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    r u sure ull need all that:)))))
    have a nice one!!!
    greetings from london:******

  2. 2 Brandon September 24, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    What’s an American Plug thing? The curiosity is killing me…

    I mean, I’m from America, and I own a few plug-like things as well as some non-plug-like things that can be used as plugs when the situation is dire. But I doubt they’re what you have.

  3. 3 Jernej September 25, 2008 at 9:53 am

    Kibuba rocks ane…al nej raj rečem TrekMates ;)

  4. 4 petra September 25, 2008 at 2:46 pm

    Kibuba je kr sluzla z nama ja :D

    UvA: Js sicr ze gruntam kaj bi lahko z ruzaka vrgla vn… bomo vidl :) Mava res take stvari k so ful osnovne sicer. Tko da se bo ze izkazal cesa ne rabva :D

    Brandon: I think it’s called an adapter :D It’s on the right next to the Swiss knife.

  5. 6 UvA September 25, 2008 at 10:37 pm

    sicer pa je res bols da masta prevec kot premalo…moskitonet bi ze prav prisu, kot pravi didi da je ze popikana:)))ccc
    pozdravck na drugi konec sveta z drugga konca evrope:))))

  6. 7 UvA September 25, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    zajebala jest…ne vem tocn ke sm nasla komarje ma se mi je zdel da sm prebrala…ocitno sam filing da jih je tm velik k sm sama tko against them:)))

  7. 8 Brandon September 26, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Aha! That would make sense, wouldn’t it. And here I was expecting something elaborate and cool, like a plug to put in a whales blow-hole for when they have a leak…

  8. 9 petra September 30, 2008 at 4:12 am

    Because I need a plug to put in a whales blow-hole, right? :D

  9. 10 nastja October 1, 2008 at 3:20 am

    nene uva jih je FUL tko da se kr spricava ko norca :) drgac pa kar se tice stvari k jih mava sabo ze razmislava kaj bova odvgle k se nama ne da tok sabo vlact :)

  10. 11 MATEJp March 5, 2009 at 10:48 am

    Lahko zvem, kateri fotoaparat uporabljata? Fotke so res super.

  11. 12 petra March 7, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    @Matej: Hvala :) Nekej bol skromnega ampak idealne velikosti za na pot. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H5


  12. 13 petra March 9, 2009 at 6:48 pm

    Nalgene bottle – lost it, and I don’t miss it
    Medicine – all of it cut in half and some of it thrown away, and I don’t miss it. I threw away the bag too.
    Mosquito net – best buy but I gave it to some guy from NYC because I don’t need it anymore
    Documents bag – torn, bought a small bag for it all, the ones that go around your waist annoy me
    Scarf – lost it, have to buy a new one
    Hat – best buy, lost it but bought a new one
    Swiss Army Knife – best buy, taken on the airport, bough a new smaller one (all that really counts is the knife and the can opener)

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